2003-04-19 - 5:25 p.m.

cloud 8.5

it seems as if it's been a long time since a boy wrote a poem to me. i am looking at it. i am frightened of it. frightened of what it means or what it could mean. i actually feel ill when i look at it. ill and dizzy. this is not the way i should feel. i am a pussy.

last night we went to see the opposed. anna came down from kent. mo came and we danced like maniacs unsurprisingly. the show was really good except not all the kids were all about dancing. that sucked. we tried to get them into it, but they were lame...super lame.

i have probably mentioned this before but i just think that if you're going to go to a show you should not be all uptight-you should show the band some love.
