2005-04-26 - 10:44 a.m.


I am at ACMS right now. My sixth graders are on a field trip and therefore cannot begin the awesome "playwright project" I have cooked up for them. Frankly, the sooner americorps is done the better. I'm not feeling especially fantastic about the experience. Maybe something will happen between now and the end of June and I will miraculously change my mind, but it is doubtful. Until then I will continue my meaningless attempts to teach apathetic junior high students...

Jim's birthday is on sunday! happy birthday Jim. I'm not sure what his gift will be. I still have some thinking to do. His parents are coming on Thursday. Hopefully all will go well and Jim's mother will not do too much crying.

I was supposed to work Saturday which is when we'll be celebrating, but I told Zak "NO WAY". I worked 24 hours straight over Spring Break...The Zoo Overnight and the Job Fair back to back bleh.

I think the smallness of the apartment is really starting to get to me. At any given time there are like two spots you could possibly be in the apartment: the bed or the computer (I guess you could also sit on the floor in between the two). It's becoming very annoying. It didn't bother me before, but now I am beginning to feel a bit clausterphobic.

I had a dream the boy-scout mobile broke. Ohhh I hope that doesn't happen.
